Thursday, March 6, 2014

Character + Sidekick + Vehicle - Story and Visual Inspiration


The year is 2121 and the unimaginable has happened: Life is even more tedious now than it was a hundred years ago. Hover cars have lost their edge, having to suffer through small talk with intelligible AI and cyborgs is the norm. All you can see when you look outside the window are impossibly tall housing complexes (just like the one you live in) and smog. Lots and lots of smog. Our main character is completely bored with life and her job - running an ice-cream truck in the city's largest shopping center with her little AI friend. She dreads waking up each morning and putting on her uniform. For years she's felt that soon something interesting will happen. With the help of her newfound lab-coat-clad friend, something might just! (story connects to the story of my 3-styles character, Li)

Visual Inspiration: 


AI (sidekick)

Main Character

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

3 Costume - WIP

3 Costume - Process and Inspiration

Inspiration drawn heavily from fashion, both street fashion and high fashion.

For Maia:

For Soma:

Process Sketches, combining elements from the inspiration in different ways and tweaking them

I'm using character which I've designed in the past:
Maia (fawn) needed a new costume
Soma (mermaid) needed legs